The EURvision song contest took place last Thursday in the Erasmus building. Erasmus Aula…
Studium Generale’s 84 hour film contest was won by the team The Good Girls on Tuesday…
The Erasmus Paviljoen opened its doors for Geertje Mak, expert on gender history, for an…
The audience cheered when presenters David Boeren and Tessa Hofland announced at the end…
A group of students are currently exhibiting their photographs in the Pavilion on Campus…
39 students got the chance to be an art handler for an afternoon at the Depot Boijmans…
The illegal rehearsal space of a violin-playing student turns out to be the perfect place…
Students Teo Comanescu, Ali Alshamayleh and Vitalii Zharinov won the 84 hour student film…
Studium Generale and several student associations set up a benefit concert on Tuesday…
It’s not a good idea to view sex as something that serves merely to reproduce. Rather…
While the average Dutch person will have 0.7 per cent more to spend next year, students…
Transgressive behaviour in the academic world is sadly nothing new, and all kinds of…
Broaden your gaze, is what critics in higher education and research are saying to the…
Fewer international students, the slow-progress penalty... Even if the plans turn out not…