On Monday evening, hundreds of students attended the EenVandaag debate of leading…
At the EFR/EenVandaag election debate in Ahoy, many students are still letting themselves…
The EFR/Eenvandaag election debate highlighted a number of issues related to students.…
Four candidates for the University Council crossed swords on Monday afternoon during the…
A debate with UvA academic Laurens Buijs was boycotted and is no longer taking place.…
In an open letter to the EUR community, supervisors promise they will make an effort to…
On Wednesday evening, young candidates from the Netherlands’ ten largest political…
As a scientist, how should you criticise the current corona policy? And how do you avoid…
What will the next generation’s life on the job be like? Last Wednesday night, four…
Ingeborg de Pater of the Erasmus Debating Society pitched her society’s anniversary…
Reviewers and employees involved in the allocation of research funding are not allowed to…
487 days after the attack on Erasmus MC, the substantive hearing in the case against…
Male employees at Erasmus University earn an average of 15 per cent more than their…
Universities across the United States are bracing themselves as Donald Trump begins his…