Ever since Pim Fortuyn’s sudden rise to the top twenty years ago, Dutch people seem to…
The number of women in top positions has risen sharply and new fathers were given the…
Now that the pandemic has been with us for a year and the global economy has been dealt…
The benefits affair is not a question of malicious intent or indifference, according to…
What does the storming of the Capitol mean for American hegemony? "We are seeing a…
Professor of Health Law Martin Buijsen researched the legal options of mandatory…
One in eight citizens of Rotterdam is a direct descendent of an enslaved African. And…
Relations between the defence and the public prosecutors in the Marengo Trial have…
The measures taken against the coronavirus may be more deadly than the virus itself. That…
Scientists are publishing like mad, especially during this corona crisis. But does this…
The votes on the national budget didn’t take place on Thursday afternoon. The governing…
The cuts to education and research will largely go ahead, as confirmed by last night’s…
Over a hundred students and staff participated in a protest at Erasmus Plaza on Wednesday…
Professor of Erasmian Values Ronald van Raak hopes for a year filled with protests.…