Capelle aan den IJssel is a large town on the eastern edge of Rotterdam, bordering Erasmus University. It is known for being primarily inhabited by families with young children and elderly couples. Many new students have never even heard of the town, and those who have may refer to it as dull or dead.

While it may appear to some as a last resort option, experiences from students who live in Capelle and the plans for future housing might make it more appealing. Is the reputation shifting from an undesirable, plan C housing option to an increasingly popular location?

Change of environment

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Maia moved to Capelle in August. Image credit: Pien Düthmann

Students who live in Capelle see a lot of surprising advantages. One of these students is Maia, a second-year student who moved to Capelle in August. Although she admitted Capelle was ‘absolutely not her first choice’, she doesn’t regret moving there because of the peaceful atmosphere Capelle offers and the nice change of environment from the noise-polluted Rotterdam.

“Many of my close friends also ended up moving to Capelle, even though they weren’t even considering it at first. You’d be surprised by how many people from Erasmus live here”, Maia said. “Living in Capelle won’t make you an outcast.”

No nightlife

Maia acknowledged the lack of nightlife in Capelle compared to Rotterdam. She explained how apart from a local jazz bar, the nightlife scene in Capelle mainly revolves around restaurants rather than anything like student bars or clubs. It is all far more subtle and quiet than the nightlife scene in Rotterdam.

However, there is an alternative option: house parties.  “My house is a great location for house parties because it is rather spacious and the walls are quite thick, so ever since I moved there, I’ve ended up being the host for parties far more often. And I haven’t received any noise complaints from neighbours so far.”

As for the atmosphere of the town, Maia praised it for being ‘safe and calm’. “As a young woman, it feels very safe, being surrounded by families and nice neighbours. There is more of a neighbourhood, community-like feeling in Capelle than there is in Rotterdam. It is more village-like. I feel like here in Capelle, neighbours are more likely to help each other out, be aware of one another or have a quick chat while passing each other out on the street. In Rotterdam, everything is far more rushed.”

Close or far?

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Alexander is fond of his accommodation, mainly due to the proximity to campus Woudestein. Image credit: Pien Düthmann

First-year student Alexander is quite fond of his accommodation in Capelle due to its proximity to Erasmus University. It takes him only eight minutes to cycle between his home and the campus. He believes the EUR website’s housing section should promote Capelle more.

“Capelle isn’t specifically mentioned anywhere on the website, and I think it should be, because it’s really underrated for first-year students”, Alexander said. “I think it’s important to live close to campus during your first year of university.”

However, Capelle is also quite expansive, and how far out a student lives can determine their experience. Mahee, a second-year student, lives in an area of Capelle bordering Rotterdam-Alexander Station, around thirty minutes from the university and one hour from Rotterdam centre by bike.

“Given the choice, I would still prefer to live in Rotterdam”, Mahee admittted, “and I know other students who live in Capelle would as well. Capelle just happens to have more housing available and is far more budget friendly. I only pay 425 euros per month, excluding utilities.”

New housing projects

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Mahee would prefer to live in Rotterdam. Image credit: Pien Düthmann

Sjoerd Geissler, an alderman of the Capelle municipality, is aware of the national housing crisis and the increasing number of students moving to Capelle. He explained several plans the municipality must accommodate for these changes.

“We’re creating new student housing on the western edge of Capelle, in the new neighbourhood called Fascinatio, which will be finished in 2026. Every studio in the building will have its own bathroom and kitchen”, Geissler said.

Capelle has also already converted some former office buildings near Capelsebrug and in other parts of Capelle into apartments. Geissler: “This project was necessary to meet the housing demands of our own residents: children from Capelle families who want to leave the parental home and continue to live in Capelle need smaller homes, such as these apartments. But of course, some are being rented out to students as well.”


However, not all Capelle residents are in favour of the housing projects. “We’ve faced some legal procedures from residents living in Fascinatio, so that is delaying the process. People living around the area are going to court against the project, as they don’t want there to be too many students there.”

The projects may still be necessary despite the controversy that could arise. Last year, the Rotterdam municipality directly asked Capelle and other neighbouring municipalities to create more student housing in the town given the lack of options in Rotterdam. “The Capelle municipality was a little hesitant, since it has heard about the disturbances that student houses created in Rotterdam. That is why some of the residents around the new student housing locations are quite opposed to the projects.”

Geissler also acknowledged how Capelle must keep in mind its own residents. “We also need enough houses for the future generations of Capelle families. The housing crisis is also felt here, so if we only add housing for other groups, what does it do for our own?”

Geissler revealed details about the municipality’s long-term project of transforming the business park next to campus Woudestein into a more housing-oriented area. “The project consists of adding 5,500 housing units, 500 of which will be made for students and young professionals. A lot of those are offices that will be turned into residential buildings. But this is a long-term project, building processes will start in 2027 or 2028.

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