This is outlined in a document obtained by RTL Nieuws, which is said to serve as the basis for negotiations with the opposition. The opposition has threatened to block the education budget in the Senate unless the government agrees to reverse at least 1.3 billion euros in cuts to education and research.
Initially, the four coalition parties refused to consider this demand, but earlier this week, they presented a counteroffer of 363 million euros. However, the so-called ‘monster alliance’ of opposition parties (D66, CDA, JA21, ChristenUnie, and SGP) deemed this insufficient.
The new counteroffer amounts to 650 million euros. Among other measures, the coalition is proposing to reduce cuts to scientific research by 100 million euros and to starter and incentive grants by 50 million euros.
The opposition’s response to the offer remains unknown. This afternoon, negotiations on the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science budget will resume behind closed doors.