In the municipality of Rotterdam, GroenLinks surprisingly emerged as the largest party and the party similarly did well at the Woudestein polling station. More than one in five voters at the Theil building voted for GroenLinks. The big winner across the rest of the country, BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB), garnered far less support, with only fourteen people voting for the new party. As in previous elections, D66, Volt and the VVD likewise did well.

GroenLinks also became the largest party at EUC and Erasmus MC, whereas the VVD took the most votes at RSC/RVSV.

At the polling station at Erasmus University College, GroenLinks emerged as the frontrunner with 180 of the 739 votes cast. Volt (100 votes), D66 (94 votes) and the VVD (93) were likewise able to count on a lot of support at EUC, whereas BBB only received 21 votes. The situation was no different at Erasmus MC, where nearly a quarter of the votes went to GroenLinks, followed by D66, Volt and VVD.

Votes were cast a little differently at the RSC/RVSV club, with the VVD emerging as the largest party, garnering 230 of the 950 votes. GroenLinks took fourth place, with both D66 and Volt receiving more votes and ending up in second and third place.

Other student cities

Progressive parties performed well in almost all student cities. GroenLinks emerged as the largest party in Amsterdam, Delft, Eindhoven, Groningen, Leiden, Maastricht, Nijmegen, Rotterdam, Tilburg, Utrecht and Wageningen. In The Hague and Breda, although the VVD took first place, GroenLinks came a close second. Even in Enschede, where BoerBurgerBeweging took the top spot, GroenLinks performed well, ending up the second largest party and pushing the PvdA into third place.

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