Around 6pm, the police asked the group students and staff who had been occupying the Sanders building since Monday morning to leave the building. About 25 police stood inside or around the entrances of the building. At the time the police entered, about eighty students and staff were present. About ten activists refused to leave and were led away.

No conversation

Earlier today, it seemed that the Executive Board would enter into talks with the protesters. The university administration had been invited to the general assembly about the occupation at 6.30pm, but did not appear there.

“We could not manage it organisationally”, said a spokesperson of the Executive Board. “We invited the protesters to talk at a later time.” According to the spokesperson, the university could no longer guarantee the safety of the students, staff and protesters, so the police ended the occupation. All buildings on Woudestein campus will be closed on Monday evening.

Bezetting Sanders – Occupy EUR – klimaat – protest – dag 1.2

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Executive Board and OccupyEUR willing to engage in conversation

The activists occupying the Sanders building and the Executive Board are willing to…

Convivial day

Psychology student Charlie, one of the organisers of the protest, is disappointed that the Executive Board did not show up. “We are very sorry that the university suddenly didn’t want to engage with us, we were looking forward to it. Apparently, the board is too busy for this. We are here for a common goal: equality and a sustainable future. What started as a convivial day is now ending in violence.”

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Activists occupy Sanders building Erasmus University

Some forty people occupied the Sanders building on the Woudestein campus on Monday…

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