According to the six student cities (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Eindhoven and Groningen), ‘building to accommodate’ the growing number of international students is ‘impossible’. Given the enormous need for housing among other groups, most municipalities write that they cannot achieve the target figures for new construction in the National Action Plan for Student Housing 2022-2030, which was presented in September.

The six municipalities have asked Minister of Education, Culture and Science Robbert Dijkgraaf for tools that the higher education sector can use to regulate the ever-growing influx of international students. Their requests include better alignment between the number of new students and the number of available houses.

In addition, they would like Minister of Public Housing Hugo de Jonge to adjust the rules for home valuation and housing benefits. If the occupants of shared rooms also receive housing benefits, rent prices may rise so that new construction of these rooms will become more attractive.

Rotterdam is one of the cities asking the government for additional measures and funding. The municipality will soon be issuing a local plan and would like to build at least 400 student housing units per year in the years ahead. There are plans for student residences at the Brainpark and behind the Van der Goot Building, among other locations.

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Housing shortage continues to rise, Dutch Cabinet launches action plan

In the twenty largest student cities there is a shortage of 27 thousand student houses.…