The sustainable vintage fashion show was part of a series of events that was held during the Erasmus Sustainability Days. The outfits were inspired by various paintings, hence the title Night at the Gallery. Julia Mancewicz, the fashion show organiser from Erasmus Sustainability Hub, highlighted that this fashion show was an effort to show people second-hand fashion can be ‘super cool’. “Everybody is very enthusiastic. We wanted to connect fashion to art and work together with vintage stores to keep it local. We also wanted to show people that those places exist, and that vintage clothing is not just fun but also super cool and original.”
Julia added that the event was aimed towards making people, and students in particular, more aware of how dressing in second-hand clothing is one of the efforts that they can make to help the environmental crisis. Elliot Zepeda, a Communication and Media student, agreed that this fashion show really stimulated people to shop in a more conscious way. “I feel that, as the new generation, we have to put these sustainability ideas forward to more people.” Hrishita Pramanik, also from IBCoM, was very impressed by the show. “Very professional and way better than I expected, because all the looks were coordinated and well done - everyone looked so good. I was like, damn!”