Anyone who has not yet scheduled a vaccination appointment can be served at the site, including international students and members of staff. You must show a form of ID that states your social security number to receive a Pfizer jab. You can schedule an appointment for a second jab, as well. If you have already received one jab and want a second one, you can go to the bus as well, provided that you had your first dose more than 21 days ago.

Office hours: 9 to 4

Your personal details will be recorded at the mobile vaccination site, so that you will be able to use the CoronaCheck app later to prove that you have been vaccinated.

The vaccination bus will come to the campus on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays this week and next week, and will also be on campus on Monday 13 September and Tuesday 14 September. On all these days the vaccination site will be open from 9am to 4pm.


In Maastricht, the local GGD actually decided against vaccinating students on campus in a bus, as there were some safety and capacity concerns. It is not yet clear whether the ‘vaccination bus’ on the EUR campus will be an actual bus or rather a temporary site without wheels.

A university spokesperson warned that people who are interested in being vaccinated on campus may have to queue a while before being served. “Of course, it’s not a huge site, such as the one close to the SS Rotterdam, so not many people will be able to be vaccinated at the same time.”