The partial reopening of the university, which involves in-person seminars, is making students happy. “Yes, I’m really glad, because so far, all my seminars have been online.” This student is better able to focus on campus: “I’m here to do some studying, because it’s very hard to do so at home. Studying at home is just horrible. So I’m really happy I’m allowed to come to campus again.”
The students think the university made a responsible decision in reopening its doors. “I think it’s really good, as students really need to get out. I felt like we’d genuinely been locked up.” In addition, the students feel that the university can be reopened in a responsible manner if everyone adheres to the basic restrictions, such as physical distancing. “I think so, as long as everyone follows the rules.” Another student opines: “At the same time, we simply couldn’t go on like that any longer.”
They are even happier when discussing the reopening of cafés, albeit only outdoor seating areas for now. “I’m honestly ecstatic that we can leave our homes and meet friends again, and that we are allowed to see more people than before.” The campus has become a livelier place due to the reopening of cafés’ outdoor seating areas. “It feels really great.”
Divided opinion
Opinion is divided when it comes to self-testing, mainly due to the fact that there is a lack of clarity regarding the tests. “I just hope there is a way to show that you took the test – some kind of proof. If not, I think many people simply won’t take the test.” On top of that, some students believe they must pay for the self-testing kits themselves (actually, they will be dispended free of charge). Some students are not certain they will self-test because they are not sure how to use the kits. “I’m not sure I’ll self-test. I have no idea how to do it properly and I’d be a little afraid to get it wrong.” Some are willing to self-test, though. “Yes, I’d do it. This is not just about my safety, but the safety of everyone I’m involved with.”