The faculty will include many moments of deliberation for courses, so that students can comment afterwards or ask questions. This will also allow students who are in a different time zone to participate in discussions. To help the ESHCC, Pridmore has asked students to relay the time zone in which they will be continuing their studies. This should allow students to proceed with their study programme without significant interruption.
Students will be contacted individually about possible arrangements for upcoming exams and resits.
No official decision
The other EUR faculties have not yet officially decided on a completely online approach, although it seems unlikely that on-campus lectures will be possible before summer. Leiden University and Maastricht University already announced their decisions to educate online until summer recess on Thursday.
Leiden and Maastricht did both state that if it turned out that it would be possible for students and lecturers to meet in person after 1 May, practical education and skills courses might start up again at that point. In that scenario, it might also be possible for students to take exams in a room with invigilators again. Wageningen University has extended the corona measures until the start of May at the very earliest.