“Cars parked here are regularly getting burgled, and despite additional surveillance, as well as other measures, we do not yet have a suspect,” says trainee chief constable Türker Güzel, who is drawing up a plan to prevent car burglaries. “These burglaries constitute quite a problem to the neighbourhood.” The officer was told by locals that many EUR students and employees park their cars in the neighbourhood as well. Güzel hopes to warn these EUR employees and students of the risk inherent in doing so by means of flyers until the end of the year.

“I understand why many students and employees like to park here, because there is free parking here,” says Güzel. “But it’s risky to do so at present. So I hope people will refrain from leaving their valuables in their cars and make sure their cars are properly locked.”

So far most of the burglaries have taken place in the streets between the supermarket and the Oude Plantage Park, where four to six cars are typically burgled every month.

flyer politie inbraken