Those in your group, including your guides, will be the main people with whom you’ll be spending the week with. Will you make friends for life, or will you already be sick of these folks by the end of the week? Only time will tell.

Once the groups are formed, cue the opening ceremony. You’ll hear speeches from some of the biggest figures of the university and the city, and there’s sure to be a couple surprises too. If your bellies start growling during the ceremony, no worries. Lunch will be served at noon right after the ceremony comes to a close.

Get the party started

After lunch, it’s time to get familiar with the quirky city where you’ll be spending the next three to five years. Your guides will take you on a tour throughout varying parts of the city. However, this isn’t any regular tour. Along the way, your group will have to answer four questions in the Eurekaweek app and upload a group photo with each answer. If your group gets all four questions right, then you’ll win a prize.

With all that walking you will surely work up an appetite. For dinner, your group will either eat at your guides’ house, or at one of the student associations. Bon appétit! As the sun starts to set, the real fun begins with the Light up the Night Party at the Maassilo.