At the start of the current academic year, Rambam, presented by BNN/VARA, sent five students wearing hidden cameras to hazing activities. The students encountered several incidents, particularly at Utrecht University’s UVSV sorority and RSC/RVSV’s fraternity.

Head wound

One student was taken to hospital by ambulance after incurring a head wound during RSC’s initiation period. The student was said to have fallen backwards after being slapped in the face, hitting the back of his head against a bollard in the process. He was supposedly unconscious for a while. In addition, one of the undercover students witnessed a remarkable inspection ritual, whereby first-year students were told to inspect each other’s anuses before taking a shower.

Culture change

Tobias de Lange, the President of RSC/RVSV, indicated in a written statement that the incidents are being investigated. “Transgressive behaviour at our society is unacceptable. We want every one of our members and prospective members to feel safe and good with us.” De Lange announced a ‘thorough culture change’. “A process on which the society embarked before, and which will now be escalated by the current board.”

Erasmus University will not issue a statement on the incident until the Rector Magnificus, Huib Pols, has had an opportunity to watch Rambam’s images. Pols will be viewing the footage on Friday. However, a spokesperson for the university has confirmed that the incident involving the student who had to be taken to hospital by ambulance was reported to the Initiation Period Committee, which monitors the safety of hazing activities carried out in Rotterdam, ‘virtually at once’.

Utrecht University cancels subsidies

No fewer than five incidents violating Utrecht University’s code of conduct were found to have taken place at Utrecht sorority UVSV. For this reason, Utrecht University and Utrecht University of Applied Sciences have cancelled UVSV’s subsidies, as well as the grants issued to the members of the society’s board, effective immediately. For the time being, the society will not be welcome at formal academic events, either.