They could not have picked a better moment at ISS. What with all the news currently being reported on the new coalition agreement, ISS flags can be seen on TV every day. They have been flying alongside the Hofvijver pond in The Hague since last week, to mark ISS’s 65th anniversary.

The festivities will commence on the afternoon of Tuesday, 10 October, with a performance of a play called Seven. Seven tells the true stories of seven strong women who fought for the welfare of women, families and children all over the world. The version performed at ISS will be acted out by students and ISS rector Inge Hutter.

Social sofa

Social Sofa lustrum iss
The social sofa at the Kortenaerkade in The Hague, in front of the entrance of the ISS

On Wednesday morning, Hutter will reveal a so-called ‘social sofa’ on campus Woudestein. The ‘sofa’ (actually more of a bench) is a present given to EUR by ISS. The concrete bench will be placed in Park Noord and features a mosaic representing the skylines of The Hague and Rotterdam. A very similar bench sits in Kortenaerkade in The Hague, in front of the ISS entrance.

On Wednesday afternoon, ISS alumni from all over the world will share their experiences with each other and with current students. Wednesday will also mark the start of the ‘Development Dialogue’, a three-day science conference hosted by and for PhD students. The theme of the conference is ‘Localising the “Global”: Global Development and Social Justice in Practice’.


The highlight of the week’s festivities will be the celebration of the institute’s Dies Natalis (i.e. Foundation Day) on Thursday, 12 October. Mohammed Salih is retiring as a Professor of Politics of Development after twenty years at ISS (he, too, turned 65 this year) and will give his farewell speech, entitled ‘Politics and Development in an Age of Democratic Resilience’, during the Foundation Day celebrations. There will be drinks afterwards and the ISS house band (which consists of students) will provide musical entertainment.

Do you want more information about the lustrumweek or sign up for the Dies Natalis? Click here.