Plenty of sun, lots of music and a host of impressions. At the information market, dozens of organisations vie for the attention of first years, some with more success than others.

This year, the information market is taking place on Campus Day for the first time. Instead of its usual location on the Oude Esch, the Erasmus Plaza and Van de Mandeleplein (in front of the aula) are now the setting.

One association, two stalls

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On the Plaza, there are various job agencies as well as cultural foundations and associations, like Studium Generale, the Rotterdam Student Orchestra and Erasmus Dance Society. This year, EDS is well represented with two stalls. And the club is proving popular: “We’ve had a lot of interest from women,” laughs Corinca Zwijsen. “We don’t have any enrolments yet. We only do that after the introductory classes, then we know if someone is really going to enjoy it.”

The association is keen for all the women to have a (dance) partner too. That means there’s sometimes a waitlist for women. “Last year, we couldn’t accept twenty women of the 407. But we try to keep as many people happy as possible.” EDS gives all kinds of freebies away at its stall: sunglasses, fridge magnets, business cards.

Opposite the EDS stall, Sanquin is looking for blood donors. The stall is looking rather quiet, but the ladies have had a good day. “We’ve collected around fifty names,” says Sandra Tondeur. “That’s not bad at all.” In order to attract donors, Sanquin gives away pens resembling blood collection needles. “And the weather helps,” according to Tondeur. “Otherwise, we’d have been indoors, and this is much more fun. We’ll definitely be back next year!”

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On Van de Mandeleplein (in front of the aula), the first years can find student associations, sports clubs and the occasional start-up. The rapidly growing Chinese student association CSA-EUR was there too. “We’ve had a fair number of visitors, so there’s a lot of interest,” says Boning Gong who is ‘drumming up’ interest for the association. Around 100 passers-by have already enrolled today. However, the club is not totally happy with their place on the square. “To be honest, this side of the campus is quieter. It’s a bit far away from everything. On the Plaza, you have more music and it’s much livelier,” concludes Ka Jang Man.

Tucked away in a far corner of the square near C hall are the equestrian girls from Marcroix. It seems rather quiet in this corner, but Bente Bakker and Liselotte Klerk are not letting it get them down. “People who want to do horse riding already know about it, they don’t need this market.” Bakker: “It was very quiet all morning, you could have heard a pin drop.” Klerk: “The big student associations tend to monopolise people.” And they’re rather difficult to find. “Two girls from the club wanted to come along and they couldn’t even find us,” sighs Klerk. But all their efforts have not been in vain: the girls have managed to enrol fifteen people.

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