After two years of renovation works the eastern side of the Erasmus Plaza Zoom has been officially opened on Monday. For the occasion, the new part of the plaza was transformed in a roller-skate dance floor with a DJ set and food trucks.
American schoolbus
Before anybody could enjoy the Roller-skate Disco, an official ceremony was carried out in the Erasmus Pavilion. EUR employees and guests were invited to enjoy a few drinks while a pair of cheerleaders guarded the door to keep away uninvited visitors. In front of them an old style American schoolbus waiting to transport the guests to their next location.
Bart Straatman, third member of the Executive Board, took the stage complimenting the development department of EUR while updating visitors on EUR’s next renovation moves, relocating ‘In de Smitse’ being one of them.
Rain Dance
As the rain kept on pouring on the Disco tent, guests and a few others were entertained by a dance performance before kicking it off on the dance floor. Frederieke Dijkhuizen (21) from the Eureka week committee was there with her crew. “We were asked by the organizers of the event to start the dance.” “I love the theme.” continues Frederieke, “I mean it is not only fun for the skaters, but also for the spectators.”
EUR visitors left soon after, leaving the dance floor to the Eureka week committee and some other students, while the two cheerleaders roamed the floor offering marshmallows. The temporary dance floor remained open until 10 pm.