The top ten of most frequently-named professors on Dutch news sites include three Erasmus University staff members. Cor Molenaar, Henk Volberda and Han Entzinger are the most frequently-mentioned Rotterdam professors among the ten largest online news media.

This is the conclusion of an analysis by Buzzcapture, which reviewed close to 2,000 articles on ten websites that mentioned a hoogleraar or professor. Professors of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) are most often referred to by online news media: in 19.2% of the cases, the news sites call a UvA professor. The professors of VU University Amsterdam (13.3%) and Erasmus University (10.7%) also regularly have someone from one of the ten leading online news media on the phone.

Three EUR professors in top 10

The expert who is mentioned most often is Bert van Wee, Professor of Transport Policy at Delft University of Technology. Cor Molenaar, endowed professor of E-Marketing in Rotterdam, is second on the list. The ten most frequently-mentioned professors also include Henk Volberda, Professor of Strategic Management and Business Policy at RSM, and Han Entzinger, Professor Emeritus of Integration and Migration Studies at FSW (ranking 8th and 10th respectively).

Eighteen percent of the professors who are mentioned in online news media are female, compared to a sixteen percent share of female professors at the universities themselves. Marli Huijer, who holds an endowed chair in Philosophy of Culture, Politics and Religion at the Faculty of Philosophy, ranks seventh in the list of female professors most frequently referred to by leading online news media. The most frequently-mentioned female professor is Kitty Koelemeijer, Professor of Marketing & Retailing at Nyenrode.

De Telegraaf refers most frequently to Cor Molenaar

The analysis also highlights which national media channels publish most frequently about professors in the Netherlands – 18.4% of the articles that referred to a professor were published on – and which scholars are popular among which media outlets. For example, Cor Molenaar turns out to be the most frequently-mentioned scientist on De Telegraaf’s website, while Jan Rotmans and Marli Huijer receive the most exposure from the websites of AD and Trouw respectively.