Marja van Bijsterveldt and Hans van Duijn will be joining Erasmus University’s Supervisory Board, having been appointed to their positions by Minister Bussemaker.

CDA-affiliated politician Marja van Bijsterveldt was a State Secretary of Education, Culture and Science during PM Balkende’s fourth term in office, and a Minister of Education, Culture and Science during PM Rutte’s first term in office. Prior to that, she served as CDA Chairwoman and Mayor of Schipluiden. She is currently the Managing Director of the Dutch chapter of the Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities. She was appointed to the Supervisory Board for a term of five years, effective from 1 December 2015.

Hans van Duijn – klein
Hans van Duijn

Van Bijsterveldt is joined on the Board by Hans van Duijn, who served as Rector to Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) until last spring. Van Duijn is a Professor of Mathematics at TU/e and previously held the position of Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at TU/e. He, too, was appointed for a five-year term, effective from 1 August 2015.

The new supervisors will be replacing Véronique Timmerhuis and Erik van den Emster, whose terms of service recently expired.