Despite RethinkEUR, The New University and repeated calls for democratization, few students and employees are running for council seats in the University elections.

Until 29 April, employees and students can vote electronically for the University Council and their respective faculty council. For the University Council, anyone can vote for the representative of their faculty. But at some faculties, elections are unnecessary, because the number of University Council seats equals the number of candidates.

At the Faculty of Philosophy for example, protest movement Philosophy Ground is creating quite a stir. However, neither students nor employees need to vote for the University Council, because both groups have had only one candidate come forward. Coincidentally, Philosophy is the only faculty to have Faculty Council elections for employees. All the other faculties have too few or just enough candidates.

Slightly more enthusiasm amongst students

The candidates lists show a little more enthusiasm amongst students than amongst employees. The larger faculties have six or seven candidates for two seats. With eight candidates, ESE has the longest list.

For more information about the candidates for the University Council, head to their Facebook page. There you’ll find small portraits of various student candidates. ES