New measures have been introduced to prevent the occurrence of another misappropriation case at Erasmus University, says John van Barneveld, deputy director of the university’s Human Resource and Finance department. On 9 February, a member of staff from his department was arrested on suspicion of misappropriating over 20,000 euros.
Dwight B. is alleged to have channelled money through the accounts of four accomplices, who have since also been arrested. B. is currently awaiting trial at home.
Telephone verification
According to Van Barneveld, several measures have been taken since the case came to light. A new method of checking incoming invoices as well as staff has been introduced. Thus telephone verification is requested relating to who is behind an invoice and the bank account number is compared with the one provided by suppliers. Van Barneveld will not say what measures have been taken to monitor his own staff. “That would only serve to warn a new fraudster.”
Changing invoices
Dwight B. was arrested on 9 February at his office on Campus Woudestein. He is alleged to have changed account numbers on invoices, so that payment was not sent to the supplier but to one of B.’s accomplices. The new measures will make this impossible in the future. ES