The Sustainable RSM project group will be hard hit by the reorganisation of support staff at Rotterdam School of Management (RSM). The temporary plan calls for the elimination of a total of 4.4 FTEs from among the support staff. Sustainable RSM, which oversees the social and ecological sustainability of the faculty, will be decreased from the current 1.7 FTEs to 0.9 FTE.

Least effect

The reorganisation stems from the mandate given all faculties by the Executive Board to cut down on support activities. In total, RSM must achieve savings of EUR 206,000 annually. “In order to determine which support services will be reduced or eliminated, we took a look at the services that have the least effect on education and research at the faculty. Within this framework, we primarily examined whether it was possible to dismiss as few people as possible with a permanent position,” says Mr Frank van der Kruk, Director of Operations at RSM.


During the Faculty Council meeting on 6 November it became clear that the temporary plan called for Sustainable RSM itself to get by with a mere 0.5 FTE in the future. Some adjustments were carried out in consultation with the Faculty Council. For example, upon further examination it was decided to keep the position of Academic Coordinator, but the number of working hours will decrease. The position of the Student Assistant to the project group will also be retained.

Making the difference

Nevertheless, Sustainability Coordinator Ms Joey Johannsen laments the cost-saving measures. “We have shown that we make a difference in many aspects and we would like to continue doing so in the future. It is very important, especially in these times, to alert students and employees to social and ecological sustainability.”

Mr Van der Kruk does not wish to say which other positions will be eliminated. The reorganisation plan is not yet final. The Faculty Council still needs to provide its advice, after which the reorganisation plan will be submitted to the Executive Board for approval. EvR