Win a student room of your choice from housing foundation SSH Rotterdam; that is the EM Eurekaweek Stunt of this year.

Living by yourself in Rotterdam will yield a lot of benefits: freedom, independence, and you’ll learn to cook and clean (or so your mother thinks, at least). Moreover, you will save time to spend on sports, a part time job, and you’ll never have to worry about the last train or bus when you’re going out. A definite must!

Win a room of your choice

A definite must, especially if you have to do next to nothing to grab that room. EM can give away a room from SSH Rotterdam of the applicant’s choice to a freshman during the Eurekaweek. So go to the information market (Wednesday) and find our improvised student room, get your picture taken in the studentist arm chair and join our like-action on Facebook. Share your picture among your friends and score as many thumbs up as possible! With a bit of luck you will live in your own place when the course year starts! Let student life begin!