Students of the EUR are more satisfied with their university than they were last year, is one of the results from the annual National Student Survey. In particular the renovated campus seems to bear fruit.
This year as well, students from universities and universities of applied sciences could express their appreciation for their educational institution in a grade from 1 to 5. The average grade – consisting of judgments about important themes like student counseling, testing and housing – of the EUR turned out to be a 4.03, a fraction higher than the national average (3.98).
New campus heart
If we compare the numbers from the EUR in the National Student Survey (NSS) from this year to those of last year, a number of things stand out. The most striking change is the considerably higher appreciation for the study environment, which has increased with no less than three tenths to 4.19. This fact can lead to the conclusion that the new heart of the campus, which was opened at the start of this academic year, is being highly appreciated. The housing for students has apparently improved significantly as well, given the 3.53 in 2013 compared to the 3.71 in 2014.
Clear timetables
The bulk of the student themes in Rotterdam are being valued more highly than in other universities and universities of applied sciences. Compared to the rest of the nation, the clarity of the timetables appears to be very convenient for students: the grade for this is with 4.04 nearly a quarter of a point higher than the national average.
Practical experience could improve
There is one aspect in which ‘we’ fall behind the rest of the Netherlands, namely the element of internships and education. The NSS shows that students in the rest of the country on average are just a bit more satisfied with the supervision they receive from their educations with regard to internships. The practical part of the education at the EUR seems to be – as it is at a range of other universities – applicable for improvement. The sections ‘career preparation’ and ‘internship and education’ score with respectively 3.23 and 3.18 clearly the lowest of all themes in the survey, but not significantly worse than is the case in other universities and universities of applied sciences.
Want to see all the scores of the Erasmus University in the NSS? You can do so here. MvS