It is official now: the university will reorganize. Today – April 10th – all supervisors in the university have been informed, and it has become known how many jobs will have to disappear, and what the time path is on which the reorganization will run its course.
Employees have all received an email in which the plans are explained. Shortly, information sessions will follow per part of the organization.
110 jobs will disappear
At the start of this year, it became known that 11 million euro must be saved, two million additional income must be realized en 110 full time jobs will disappear: 60 in general overhead and 50 in research and educational support staff. These numbers have not changed any more in the past months. The question which remained open is how the pain will be distributed.
Biggest blow for IT department
In the distribution, it has been considered where there is room to work more efficiently (for example by implementing systems and organizing more smartly), the measure of efficiency compared to other universities, and proportionality. The distribution of 110 FTEs will be about the total of all support activities, so including faculties, the ABD and the SSCs, as a spokesperson from the Executive Board explained. Meanwhile, it has become clear that a large number of jobs will disappear in the IT department. Most of the jobs which will disappear there will go because this support will be bundled in one SSC, and because of the implementation of SAP (business administration software).
Faculties will have to save
The faculties will receive a so-called ‘task description’, a target which they will have to realize by 2017. Faculties – including those currently in the process of reorganizing – will have to save additional money, but most of them have already reckoned on this fact with their decision making. The target may also be achieved by generating more income.
One service organization
As became known earlier, there will be one large shared service organization (SSO), in which the SSCs IT, HR&F, EFB, the staff department Marketing & Communication, and the departments of Archive services and the Bureau of the Beadle will be incorporated. Only the General Administration Service (ABD, immediate support of the Executive Board), SSC OOS (Education, Research and Student Affairs), and the University Library (which will be transformed into the Research Support Office) will remain outside of the SSO for the time being. The ABD will be strengthened with a number of policy makers in the area of education and research. The goal is to formulate an intention for reorganization of the SSO and the ABD by the summer vacation, to be followed by the rest of the planning in consultation with the representative advisory body and EUROPA.
Strategic plan
The reorganization results from the definitive strategic plan 2014-2018, Impact & Relevance. This plan – EM reported on this earlier – shows that the university will primarily focus on increasing internationalization, growth in supply of master’s education, blended learning (digitalization of education), cooperation and the strengthening of the current top research for the coming years. To be able to invest in these strategic goals, and also due to the performance agreements with the Ministry of Education and the expected decline in student numbers in the future (and hence lower incomes), the budget cuts are necessary. WG
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