The ‘fine’ which allows students who have registered for an exam too late to nevertheless partake in the exam will remain in force for the time being. The Executive Board will as of yet not change the regulation, to the contentment of students: ‘Abolishment goes way too far.’

In Leiden, a student paid 225 euros to nevertheless participate in three exams. In Rotterdam the costs are not that high, but at the EUR, students also pay to register for exams past the deadline: 13,50 up to two days prior to the exam and at three faculties, it is possible to register even later for 50 euros. Recently, Secretary Bussemaker called that possibility for post-registration for a fee ‘not according to the law.’ The idea here was that universities should not put additional financial strains on their students. But are students really better off if the deadline is really the final deadline? Erasmus Magazine gauged opinions of students on campus.


‘I have once dropped a re-exam, because the post-registration costs fifty euros. That was too much for me, it was purely to improve my grade anyway.’ After this one time, Anja Ugedahl (24), master student in Finance, has learned her lesson. ‘Fifty euros is traumatic.’ But if it would have been really necessary, she would have paid gladly. ‘It surely is cheaper than doing the entire course year again.’

Preference for a fine

Most students seem to prefer a fine over a doubled course year. Although most of the interviewed say they have never or only once paid the fee, they seem to find the leniency fitting. ‘Due to personal circumstances you can all but forget it. Or you are so engaged with the exam preparation that you forget the registration,’ states Olga Karpina (25), master student of Marketing. ‘Abolishing the measure for a delayed registration is much too radical.’


According to the students, the university had better opt for a system of prevention. ‘Now you get an email once, a month in advance. At that point in time, your head is not really with the exam,’ says Alex Nieuwenhuis, who studies Economics and Law. ‘There is not a single moment in which you are reminded.’ ‘You have to find a middle ground,’ agrees law student Tahmina Ashraf (23). ‘Why do we not invest in a system of prevention, with a system of warnings? Abolishing the post-registration goes way too far.’

Also, that automatic registration for exams of the subjects you follow courses in – a possibility which the EUR looks at right now – is a much-heard suggestion.

Own responsibility

Only a few people find the fuss over possible abolishment nonsensical and state that it is a matter of students’ own responsibility to register in time. ‘We are nearly all eighteen years or older,’ sighs International Communication student Lisanne Bos (19). ‘Just write the registration dates in your calendar.’ EH