ESN won the contest, organized by the Erasmus Paviljoen, in which student organizations competed for an event in the Paviljoen. During their Open Mic Night, they will raise food for donation.

The timing appears bittersweet for the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Rotterdam. On one hand, the night prior to the Open Mic event, ESN organizes its end-of-the-year party. “The party on Thursday ending at 4am, we expect even those who partied hard to attend our foodraising event on Friday”, Yoshimitsu de Swaan Arons, president of ESN,  indicates.

ESN won a contest launched by the Erasmus Paviljoen, for organizing the most original event. The Open Mic Night ESN organized in RoTown last May, proved to be a rather expensive endeavor, according to De Swaan Arons. Thanks to the contest, ESN can organize another Open Mic Night, without the financial burden afterwards.


“It is a good opportunity to share our happiness over winning this prize with a charitable organization in need of help”, ESN Cultural Events Manager, Anne de Groot says. Attendees of the event will be asked to bring at least one piece of non-perishable food for donation to the Dutch food bank (Voedselbank) or a donation of 5 euros.

Traditional Lithuanian music

In return for their good deed, attendees are offered several acts, including stand up, bands, acoustic music. “There will even be a EUR student performing traditional Lithuanian music from his home country”, De Groot says. The Foodraiser Open Mic Night takes place at the Erasmus Paviljoen at Woudestein campus Friday December 13. The doors open at 8.30pm. LJa