Dutch Universities again do well this year in the World University Rankings of British research bureau QS. Again, 11 universities are among the 200 best ones. EUR rose a few spots.

The highest ranking Dutch university is the University of Amsterdam (UvA), rising four spots to 58th place. Also, ranked in the top 100 are the universities of Leiden (74th), Utrecht (81st), Erasmus University Rotterdam (92nd), the TU Delft (95th), and the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (97th). The latter two are among the best 100 universities for the first time.

QS made the ranking previously for the renowned British magazine Times Higher Education (THE), however the two ceased their collaboration in 2010. THE was seeking to change its ranking drastically – by among other things – deeming subjective judgments less important.

QS proceeded alone and is published just a little earlier than the THE-rankings, which are published in October. The QS-ranking is based for 40 percent on the reputation of institutions among 46.000 scientists during the previous three years. Also, the reputation among employers is included, as are the number of students for every teacher, the publications of researchers, and the number of foreign students and employees. HOP/LJa