Dutch Delight: Hopjesvla

EM periodically tests typical Dutch foods with help of international students under the name of Dutch Delight. This edition, first year IBA student Dzintra Martinsone from Latvia tastes and reviews Hopjesvla.

The Review

Dzintra has tried some Dutch foods before, such as Stamppot, Stroopwafels, and Appeltaart – which except for the first one she all liked. “Usually I actually love potato mash, but the cabbage in the Stamppot made the dish taste inedible.” Vla however, is one of the dishes Dzintra hasn’t tried yet, and she is going to taste and review Hopjesvla for this edition of Dutch Delight.

Upon seeing the picture of a bowl of Hopjesvla on the package, Dzintra is reminded of chocolate milk – albeit in a somewhat thicker form. The association with chocolate is immediately gone after the first sip: “It’s pretty nice! Something with coffee, right? I absolutely love coffee!” Also, Dzintra seems to be happily surprised that this Vla isn’t actually as fat as she did expect upon seeing the picture on the package. All in all, the tasting experience seems to be positive for Dzintra: “I actually like it, I think I’ll buy it next time!”

Dzintra explains about delicious desserts from Latvian cuisine also. Some popular desserts in Latvia are Quarkcake (kind of cheesecake) and medus kūka (Latvian honeycake). 

The Product

Vla is a typical Dutch dessert being made of milk with some additions, which make the whole thicker. The product could remind you of pudding, yet still has a more liquid substance than pudding. Vla comes in many different tastes from chocolate to fruits to chipolata. So if you’re curious to taste it, there should be a taste that you like. Sparse attempts have been made to introduce Vla to other countries – such as to Germany in 2006. Yet, Vla remains mostly consumed in The Netherlands. LJa

Score according to Dzintra: 3

1= I flushed it down the toilet

2= If you bought it anyway, eat it, why not?

3= Quite nice actually

4= Really good food

5= Best food I’ve ever tasted 

Would you like to participate in a future edition of Dutch Delights too? Taste a bit of Dutch culture, and mail to [email protected]

Score according to Dzintra: 3

1= I flushed it down the toilet

2= If you bought it anyway, eat it, why not?

3= Quite nice actually

4= Really good food

5= Best food I’ve ever tasted 

Would you like to participate in a future edition of Dutch Delights too? Taste a bit of Dutch culture, and mail to [email protected]