Dutch Delight: Stroopwafels
EM periodically tests typical Dutch foods with help of international students under the name of ‘Dutch Delights’. This edition, second year IBA student Martina Cupova from Czech Republic tastes Stroopwafels from the campus cafeteria. The product
Stroopwafels might do very well in the election for most popular Dutch product available. It typically consists of two thin layers of baked batter, with caramel syrup in between. The first Stroopwafel ever made was baked in the Dutch city of Gouda, already back in 1784. Originally, Stroopwafels were made to efficiently deal with leftovers such as breadcrumbs, by sweetening them with syrup.
As Martina is a second year’s, she lives in Holland for more than a year already, and hence she has some experience with Dutch cuisine. “I’m not a fan of it”, she immediately admits. “Many dishes are fried in Holland, such as Krotet, Bitterballen or the typical Fries. They are not for me.” Stroopwafels prove to be the positive exception to the rule: “I love Stroopwafels! They have a reputation. If you say ‘Dutch’, you immediately think of Stroopwafels too. I’ve tasted my first one during my first week here”.
She compares the crunch and shape of Stroopwafels to Oplatky, a dish from her home country Czech republic. “Oplatky is also a cookie with similar shape and crunch, but it doesn’t have the soft filling of Stroopwafels”.
The Stroopwafels from the Woudestein cafeteria are received positively: “They are crunchy, and a bit less sweet and containing less honey than earlier one’s I have tasted, which is a positive thing to me”.
Martina’s score: 4
1= I flushed it down the toilet
2= If you bought it anyway, eat it, why not?
3=Quite nice actually
4=Really good food
5=Best food I’ve ever tasted
Would you like to participate in a future edition of Dutch Delights too? Taste a bit of Dutch culture, and mail to [email protected]. LJa

Dutch Delight: Stroopwafels
EM periodically tests typical Dutch foods with help of international students under the name of ‘Dutch Delights’. This edition, second year IBA student Martina Cupova from Czech Republic tastes Stroopwafels from the campus cafeteria.