Summer time
Finally, after a year packed with assignments and exams, summer has arrived. Now every international student has to make a decision; will they go home or spend the summer in Rotterdam?
XingYan Guo (left) & Rui Yang, third-year IBA (from China)
Rui: “First I have to finish some exams and then I will probably relax at a small town, either in the Netherlands or in Germany. I won’t go back to China this summer. I will go back in November. The weather in the Netherlands is a lot cooler than in China, which is one of the reasons I stay here. However, most of my friends have already left and the city centre closes too early in Rotterdam.”
XingYan: “Since I still have some exams, I didn’t make any summer plans yet. I might go back to China or maybe I will try to find an internship. If I would go back to China, summer would be really different. First of all, I would stay with my parents. Moreover, my main activity will be catching up and partying with old friends.”

Anna Mauch, second-year IBA (from Germany)
“Right now I am staying in Rotterdam for re-sits. After I finish those I will go back to Germany for only one week. Then I have to leave for my exchange in Argentina. The first few weeks I have to follow an introduction course there, but after that I am planning to travel around in South-America.
Thus, the coming few weeks I will spend the summer in the Netherlands. If the weather gets better it can be really fun to spend time here in summer. There are many possibilities to be outside, such as the Kralingse plassen, Hoek van Holland, or the bars with terraces. This is also my advice for the summer, go outside as much as possible and stay active.”

Nikolaos Marsoufanidis-Balomenos, master Finance & Economics (from Greece)
“In a few days I am going back to Greece and I will stay there till the end of August. I am going there for the holidays but I haven’t made specific plans yet. My favourite part of summer in Greece is the weather and the islands. The latter one is something everybody should visit. Besides that the monuments and museums are also a must see.
Other advice if you are visiting Greece is to bring lots of sun lotion. In addition, one should drink ouzo and eat seafood. I know that a lot of Dutch people go to Chersonissos, but I have never been there. All I know is that it’s very touristic and people drink a lot.”JV