Studying on a construction site
The construction work on campus has been going on for a while. However, did international students know what the campus would look like when they decided to come here? And if they did not, would their decision have been different if they would have known?
Lei Wang, first-year IBCoM (from China)
“I knew it would look like this, because I came here this summer before the semester started. However, this university is the only one in the Netherlands that offers my programme, so I don’t have a lot of choice. Overall, the construction sites are slightly annoying and inconvenient. In particular, because I live on campus and there is noise all the time, also very early in the morning. Moreover, different streets are blocked every time, so I never know if I can take my bike.
For me it feels kind of unfair. I have to deal with the mess, so students have a nice campus in the future. During the opening ceremony they gave us some information that it will be done in 2014. I will already have graduated then, so I don’t really need to know how it will look then.”
Anton Zanev, master Marketing Management (From Bulgaria)
Anton Zanev, master Marketing Management (From Bulgaria)
“The campus itself has nothing to do with the university and the programmes here. So for me it would not have changed anything. However, it is not very pleasant. It doesn’t look nice and you cannot get from one side of the campus to another in a normal way.
However, it is for a good cause, in the future it will look really nice. And I do think a nice campus adds to the image of the university. Moreover, it gives students more comfort and increases the quality of living on campus. So yes, now it is a little annoying, but it will pay off in the future.”
Bogdan Larion, premaster General Management (from Romania)
“I would have come here anyway, it is a good university. I am here to study, not for the environment. However, I did not know before I came here. When I started in August, the construction had not started yet. In addition, I did not receive any information, but I think the bulletin boards on campus are sufficient. I see them every day, so that’s all the information I need.
In general, I think a campus attracts students by the way it looks as well. It is nice when the campus is a place where you can relax as well. This overhaul will only take a few years and then the campus will look really nice.”JV