Dispute settlements in international investment law protect the rights of companies.…
Does goodness lead to evil? Isabel de Bruin obtained her PhD at the Rotterdam School of…
In the ten years that Bharti Girjasing lived in Suriname (and afterwards), she questioned…
Sadaf Soloukey is interested in the big questions: what makes us human, and what does it…
Rita Dias Pereira was fascinated in what makes people different. She wrote her…
The settlement of medical and traffic liability cases involves hardly any focus on the…
Stijn Weterings earned his PhD last week with a thesis that explored the question of…
How can you ‘manipulate’ residents into putting their garbage in the container or…
Carlo de Wijs is one of the best Hammond organ players in the Netherlands. He has been…
In the Netherlands, political discontent generally manifests itself in people either…
A recent well-being monitor by Erasmus University revealed that 58 per cent of students…
Medical student Fouad L. imagined negotiating with a computer in his head over revenge…
Students who take longer to graduate will not have to pay a slow-progress penalty until…
Once again, a court has ruled that the government cannot simply exclude students from…