The pressing problems faced by international PhD candidates on scholarships? Still the…
Chinese PhD candidates on scholarships at EUR are having to get by on an income below the…
Working towards a PhD on a grant instead of a salary? After an experiment spanning…
Last academic year, more women than men obtained PhDs at the university, which is…
From screaming supervisors to professors wanting hugs, many PhD students experience…
“One of our respondents literally called their supervisor ‘one of the gods’, and…
PhD candidates at Dutch universities often burn the candle at both ends, working long…
After conducting research for seven years, Mireille Kirkels was awarded a PhD last month…
The percentage of female PhD students rose significantly between 2007 and 2011, but now…
Erasmus University is set to make deep cuts. All support services are required to reduce…
An increasing number of people in their twenties hold a higher professional education or…
The government has abandoned cuts of 215 million euros to the universities’ national…
23 per cent of EUR employees struggle with high work pressure. Over a quarter do not get…