Fewer international students, the slow-progress penalty... Even if the plans turn out not…
Each Monday, EM keeps you posted on what happened last week and what will happen the…
An increasing number of international students are staying on in the Netherlands to work…
What does the future look like for international students in the Netherlands? Lower House…
What do the political parties say about education and research in the European elections?…
The House of Representatives hasn’t set a great example in using the budget bill to…
Over two years after taking office, Minister of Education Robbert Dijkgraaf has sent his…
The number of international students continues to rise. Nevertheless, Dutch higher…
Things didn’t go as they should, Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf thinks. But he’s no…
Thanks to universities' plans to limit internationalisation, the share of completely…
While the average Dutch person will have 0.7 per cent more to spend next year, students…
Transgressive behaviour in the academic world is sadly nothing new, and all kinds of…
Broaden your gaze, is what critics in higher education and research are saying to the…