Temporary university contracts with poor terms and conditions make the work of…
Alycia Colijn, 23, is the founder of BeatUs, a platform that helps students dealing with…
How can you prevent burning out while studying from home? Martine Baars discusses three…
New research at the University of Twente confirms that many students suffer from stress…
This week, the documentary Stress to Impress was screened at Erasmus Pavilion. This film…
More and more young people apparently suffer from stress and burnouts. However, it is…
A large proportion of PhD students have an increased risk of a burn-out or depression.…
Heavy workloads and mental health issues appear to be on the rise. In a series of…
Despite recent reports of widespread depression and burn-outs, according to Statistics…
‘Your body can’t always run on full power. Sometimes you need to put the brakes on or…
Erasmus University is set to make deep cuts. All support services are required to reduce…
An increasing number of people in their twenties hold a higher professional education or…
The government has abandoned cuts of 215 million euros to the universities’ national…
23 per cent of EUR employees struggle with high work pressure. Over a quarter do not get…