People are cautious of ‘red flags’ while finding a partner, indications that this person might be toxic or in other ways incompatible. In this video, students discuss what their absolute red flags are.

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Chatterbox: What is an absolute red flag for you?

Valentine’s day is all about love. Everywhere we see red hearts, red cheeks, red roses,…

Open relationships can be complicated without honesty and trust. In the article below, couple Louka and Em describe how they first met and what their open relationship is like.

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Louka and Em met through Erasmus Pride

When communication student Louka and EUC student Em met in June last year, neither of…

Relationships look different for everyone, some people have been dating for two months while others have been in long-term relationships for nine years. The article shows the love between different couples on campus.

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Spotting love birds on campus, from just a few months together to nine years in love

Some photographers spot birds. Some capture buildings, flowers, animals or clothes.…

Have you ever wondered why your heart literally hurts when it’s broken? This clinical psychology professor researches why the feelings run so deep. Read more in the article below to learn the science behind the pain.

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This is why a broken heart hurts

Freddy van der Veen conducts research into broken hearts. ‘You can genuinely experience…

The Erasmus Love Lab is a cosy place to foster conversation. Four students gathered together, sharing their experiences with love that breaks traditional barriers. Read the full story below.

love lab-liefde-valentijn-love-Femke Legué

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An open conversation with students about flirting, fluid love and friends with benefits

Love and relationships sometimes seem so complicated nowadays. Navigating dating apps,…

Woudestein campus is home to education and research. It’s also known for being a place where students can meet their future partners. In this article below, a couple met at Woudestine in the 70s and have been together since.

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Jan and Tilly have been together for over 50 years

To celebrate Valentine’s Day, EUR couples are sharing their love stories. How did they…

Back in 2019, EM wrote about a love story of a couple who met and worked at the Rotterdam School of Management. They also had quite a unique marriage proposal and have since been married. Curious to know what they are up to four years later? Read more below.

Derck Koolen en Stephanie Maas 2022_eigen foto

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Stephanie and Derck now have a six-month-old baby

To celebrate Valentine's Day, couples at the EUR share their love story. Stephanie and…

Online dating is never easy, but for some it works out. Two students from IBEB met during a zoom call in the pandemic for a class assignment. The rest is history. Read below how their relationship blossomed from that one zoom call.

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‘He has a good-looking hairdresser, and I’ve learned a new skill’

To celebrate Valentine’s Day, couples at EUR share their love story. Ilse Bot cut…

Sometimes, small decisions can change the course of your life. Below, a lecturer in the Media department came to Erasmus and his original plan was to leave for Sweden; he had no intention of finding a partner. However, during his first year at the Media department he met his current wife. Read below to find out more!

etienne auge mijke slot valentines day

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Etienne and Mijke kissed for the first time on the Euromast

To celebrate Valentine's Day, couples at EUR share their love story.

Long-distance relationships can be complex, but given the technology, couples can be even more close today. Sometimes, couples decide to end the relationship due to the distance, but this couple decided to stay together. Read below how they got to know each other during a walk.

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One walk by Leah and Ferdi led to many walks

Leah found the lecturer of the elective she took during her Bachelor of Arts in Groningen…