On the face of it, a lot of people have the same criticisms of the European Union. Last…
Does goodness lead to evil? Isabel de Bruin obtained her PhD at the Rotterdam School of…
Vivien Butot was doing research into citizens’ opinions and observations about ‘smart…
In the ten years that Bharti Girjasing lived in Suriname (and afterwards), she questioned…
Rita Dias Pereira was fascinated in what makes people different. She wrote her…
When the Bibles are closed, NSR is just like any other student association. Before…
The settlement of medical and traffic liability cases involves hardly any focus on the…
As Amy Hofman, who obtained her PhD last month, confirmed in her research: exercise is…
At Erasmus Pride's pink party with a ‘Pillow Princesses and Princes’ theme, people…
Teachers should regard students' migration backgrounds as a rich breeding ground of…
Once again, a court has ruled that the government cannot simply exclude students from…
Together with her team, Hanneke Takkenberg travelled to Iraq to help women from the…
Every Monday, an overview of the most important news about Erasmus University. This week:…
As is tradition, the university hands out a box of Christmas gifts at the end of the…