Do students know where their H&M clothes are from? And what consequences their fashion…
Everyone in the Netherlands would be behind Belgium (and / or Morocco) during this World…
Art can be seen in many places on campus, but most of the time you won't notice it at…
Reporter Cameron Wylie interviewed 'studying' students on campus. Does that work,…
There were no long queues at the polling station in the Theil building. Yet a lot of…
Two weeks ago, a huge crane fell on the roof of student association Laurentius.
Erasmus University has its own gallery. It's located in the hallway between the Erasmus…
What do students know about hazing and how do they feel about it? See it in Campus Talk
Video: An 'alarming' increase in the amount of lost items in the University Library
EM-reporter Cameron Wylie serves as a guinea pig for the VESTAND team. In December, the…