During this football-oriented talk show, both for fans and non-fans, speakers from in- and outside of our university will shine a light on the upcoming world cup in Qatar. Because there has been much ado about this event. Even though there have been calls of boycotts, the event is scheduled to go ahead unchanged in November. Time to analyze this event with a panel of experts:

  • Sandra Meeuwsen (ESPhil) is sports-philosopher and critical about hosting sports events in countries with a nefarious track record. Do we as supporters have a responsibility with regard to (not) watching this World Cup? And how about media, players and sports organizations?
  • Jacco van Sterkenburg (ESHCC) and local football-pundit Dennis van Eersel (RTV Rijnmond) will talk about football commentary and biases. Does the manner in which commentators talk about the game influence the way we think about multicultural players and race?
  • Gijs van Campenhout (Utrecht University) on who can represent the nation in international football. Has the World Cup become more migratory in the past 100 years? And: How is it possible that players with a migration background can be lauded as national heroes the one week, and are excluded as outsiders the next?
  • A special video by Gijsbert Oonk (ESHCC) who will explain to us who we are actually cheering on during the World Cup. Because isn’t nationality just something we ‘made up’ anyway?

This even it organized by Studium Generale and Erasmus Sport and moderated by David Boeren (Studium Generale) and co-host Thomas Verhaar (Assistant Coach Excelsior).

More information:

  • Date: 23 November 2022
  • Time: 19.30 (Doors open: 19.15)
  • Location: Erasmus Sport Café
  • Entrance: Free