Niet alle kandidaten hebben een foto of een Nederlandse versie van hun motivatie ingeleverd bij het Centrale Verkiezingsbureau. In sommige gevallen hebben ze zelfs niets ingeleverd. De kandidaatprofielen zijn gesorteerd op basis van volledigheid. In het belang van de democratie toont EM de Engelse versies op de plekken waar een Nederlandse mist.

Nadine Nieuwstad


Hi! Mijn naam is Nadine Nieuwstad en ik volg de studie MSc Quantitative Finance. Ik ben inmiddels al twee jaar lid van de Universiteitsraad, waarin ik verschillende leiderschapsrollen heb vervuld, inclusief het voorzitterschap van de studentengeleding en van de financiële commissie. Ik heb veel expertise en kennis verworven over de meeste onderwerpen en procedures. Daarnaast ben ik bekend met de politieke situatie, zowel op de EUR als op nationaal niveau, en heb ik een groot netwerk opgebouwd. Mijn prestaties hebben voornamelijk te maken met het profileringsfonds voor besturen en medezeggenschappers, het EUR allocatiemodel, professionalisering van de medezeggenschap, betrokkenheid in nationale discussies, samenwerking met studenten- en studieverenigingen, en mijn lidmaatschap van de stuurgroep van de Community for Learning and Innovation.

Mijn doelstellingen voor volgend jaar zijn:

  • Toename van de structurele norm van het aantal studieplekken (nu: 10% van de totale studentenpopulatie, zonder incalculatie van externen die gebruikmaken van EUR faciliteiten);
  • Toename van mijn betrokkenheid in nationale discussies, waarbij ik de visie van EUR studenten vertegenwoordig omtrent selectiviteit en beperkte groei van de studentenpopulatie, met het oog op onderwijskwaliteit;
  • Een actieve rol in de ontwikkeling van de volgende EUR strategie, met o.a. input van studentenorganisaties;
  • Succesvolle afsluiting van het dossier ‘allocatiemodel’ door mijn voorzitterschap van de financiële commissie voort te zetten; and
  • Verdere toename van communicatie en samenwerking tussen medezeggenschapsorganen van verschillende niveaus en faculteiten.


Stem op mij als jij gelooft in mijn expertise en doelstellingen!

Dit profiel is om privacyredenen verwijderd.

Jitte Dingenouts

Jitte Dingenouts

Hey everyone,

My name is Jitte, I am 22 years old and I want to have an impact on your student life! During my studies, I continuously tried to make an impact on different people’s lives. I put myself out there for fellow students, prospective students, teenagers who are mentally handicapped and charities like the Foundation Friends of Sophia and the High Five Foundation.

When I started with my Bachelor in Econometrics, I joined the Freshmen Committee at FAECTOR to make sure that students would be able to attend fun events and get to know their fellow students better. In my second year, I became an ambassador for the Erasmus School of Economics such that I could help prospective students to pick the right studies and university.

Besides becoming an ambassador in my second year, I stood up for teenagers who are mentally handicapped. Among other things, we taught them how to work in a restaurant.

After finishing my Bachelor, I decided that I wanted to make an even bigger impact on students and especially on the development of students. That’s why I applied for the position of Educational Officer in the board of FAECTOR. Luckily, I got selected for this position and I am currently the Educational Officer of FAECTOR. As always, I set a high bar for myself. For example, I wanted Google to participate in our Excellence Programme, which you could compare to Honours Class. In the end, Google participated in our program with a custom made inhouseday about Machine Learning! This was the first contact FAECTOR has ever had with Google.

Being an Educational Officer has motivated me even further to have an impact on people and their development. However, this time I do not only want to focus on students from the Erasmus School of Economics, but I rather stand up for all students from Erasmus University. Therefore, I am running for election for the University Council of 2018/2019.

My previous experiences have taught me the skills I need to tackle university wide problems, and I will use these to improve your study experience at Erasmus University to the max. Vote for me if you want a motivated, hardworking, skilled and experienced student to represent you in the University Council next year!

Pardis Rahmani


A candidate student for the International Economics Master’s Program at Erasmus School of Ecnomics and expecting to be graduated from my previous Master’s studies of Environmental Economics, in August 2018.

I am passionate about international trade and development, not only from the economic perspective, but also in terms of social, environmental and humanitarian affairs. I believe in the power of effective communication, hard work and compassion. These elements are key in making positive changes and overcoming today’s global challenges.

My favorite hobby is playing sports. Rowing in beautiful waters of Rotterdam is a passion I have developed over my stay in The Netherlands. I also enjoy cooking, watching movies and reading.

Parallel to my studies, I have worked in different international communities. Namely, 9 months in Lagos, Nigeria with the Emirates Vacation Company. My first official employment was teaching English in a language institute in Tehran, Iran. I’ve also worked in sales related departments, as well as public and international relations.

In 2016, I was nominated by the University of Tehran as the first Iranian student for an exchange program with a European country and spent a great semester studying at Erasmus University from September to December 2017.

After being a part of such an international environment, I am strongly motivated to run for Erasmus University Council. My goal is to enhance the quality of our student experience, by proudly being your representing voice. Working together towards new ideas, we can make education more fun and enjoyable. It’s my ambition to make Erasmus even more receptive towards its students needs.

Stemmen kan van 18 tot en met 25 april via Op de eerste en laatste dag van de verkiezingen kun je ook stemmen bij de kraam van de Universiteitsraad in de hal van het Theilgebouw (C).

Wil je als kandidaat toch nog informatie of een foto aanleveren, mail dan naar [email protected].