After more than half a year in the corona crisis, some of the employees make use of…
PhD candidates at Dutch universities often burn the candle at both ends, working long…
Stress, work pressure and psychological problems among students and staff have all…
Students and employees experience more study stress, work pressure and mental health…
Once the campus opens again after the coronavirus crisis, there will be a huge divergence…
The workload has only increased due to working from home and online teaching, say…
With more than 700 reports of structural overtime at universities the academic protest…
On 20 December, WOinActie will pay a visit to the Dutch Labour Inspectorate (‘Inspectie…
Year after year, EUR staff members say that the pressure of work is too high. Regardless o
The university’s support services (particularly the General Management Directorate and the
More than 80 percent of visitors feel safe in the University Library, according to a…
For years, Europe lived a geopolitical dream, relying on NATO for its safety. Putin and…
De een leert elkaar kennen tijdens een avondje uit met een groep promovendi, de ander op…
Higher education institutions must all create a plan to strengthen their academic…