Student wellbeing week kicked off on Monday was complete with all-new events that put a…
What plans do political parties have for students and universities? How do they intend to…
Research by the ESHPM shows that online education is not beneficial for students. "The…
Under the guidance of instructor Harvinder Chahal, a total of fifteen students…
Illustrator Pauline Wiersema draws the challenges of studying during the pandemic.
EUR students suffer from stress, loneliness, feelings of anxiety and depression. This is…
Things aren’t going well with EUR students, according to the results of the Student…
Het kabinet moet de crisisgelden voor het onderwijs beschouwen als opstapje naar echte…
How are EUR’s employees doing now that many of them having been working from home for a…
Student wellbeing issues can be resolved through good information and the sharing of best…
Universities will hold a relay strike against the cuts to education and research. Radboud…
Defence minister Ruben Brekelmans was escorted offstage at the University of Amsterdam…
It is with deep sadness that we share the passing of Gabriella de Haas, a beloved member…
This week: five buildings will close this year, a proposal to hold a paintball tournament…