Columnist Giselle Timmers believes that there is one huge disadvantage to having…
Giselle Maria Timmers has won the columnist competition for EM students with her column…
Will Makin writes a poem for EM every month. This one is about the transience of time and…
Will Makin writes a poem for Erasmus Magazine every month. This time, he reflects on the…
The illustrators of ikRotterdam (IRotterdam) provide monthly comments on what they…
The sun is shining, students can go to the campus again, although on a limited basis. It…
While most people take it easy during the summer, the paper deadline for PhD student…
Study advisor Mariëlle van Leeuwen has been skipping her summer holiday for 12 years in…
Student Maria Świstuń came to Rotterdam from a small Polish village. Her family was…
With extra funding, more employees, and a new system in place, DUO hopes it will be able…
Every Monday, an overview of the most important news about Erasmus University. This week:…
Five buildings on the Woudestein campus will close earlier than planned due to budget…
More and more students are choosing to switch universities for their master’s degree, a…
At the University of Twente, dozens of forced layoffs have occurred, and eight…