A large majority of voters think it’s a bad idea for the government to cut funding for…
Things didn’t go as they should, Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf thinks. But he’s no…
Thanks to universities' plans to limit internationalisation, the share of completely…
The House of Representatives decided a year ago that students should also be entitled to…
In September, the basic grant for those living away from home will be reduced again to…
Education administrators are warning against ‘heavy-handed’ measures following the…
On election day, the Theil building, Erasmus University College and Erasmus MC hosted…
According to a survey by six university magazines, many international students and…
A lot of political parties talk a good game when it comes to higher education – but how…
EM is carrying out a survey to get to know the political preferences of students and…
Campus café In de Smitse will close for almost three months due to refurbishment. The…
Every researcher contributes a little bit to the sea of knowledge humanity already has.…
After Leiden University, Utrecht University is now also planning to overhaul its Faculty…
Behind the house where I live, there’s a 20-metres-tall teddy bear holding out his hand…