In the controversy surrounding online proctored exams, lecturers are caught in the…
ProctorExam, the Dutch company that provides Erasmus University with proctoring software,…
Students are being watched from multiple angles, are declared guilty until proven…
Alle partijen willen minder inbreuk op de privacy tijdens het afnemen van tentamens, maar…
At Hanze University Groningen, journalists were able to see into the living room of…
In the next two weeks, the university will administer 19 in-person exams, so as to…
Exams that take place before Christmas will happen where they were originally planned.…
Several faculties wish to require students to use two cameras while sitting proctored…
Some students have been told by the Examinations Board to quit their degree programme,…
Education minister Ingrid van Engelshoven has no indications that students committed more…
The Erasmus Center for Sport Integrity & Transition is in danger of disappearing. Last…
In a recent report, Erasmus University Rotterdam speaks highly of the ‘impact…
More than 80 percent of visitors feel safe in the University Library, according to a…
For years, Europe lived a geopolitical dream, relying on NATO for its safety. Putin and…