Fraternity De Raad, part of the student association RSG, has raised over 13,000 euros…
Every Monday, an overview of the most important news about Erasmus University and…
Dispuut De Raad of student association RSG is once again taking part in Movember, raising…
Last month, about twenty members of the Rotterdamsch Studenten Gezelschap (RSG)’s De…
So far, the Beard4education student initiative raised €4,809.67 for the reconstruction…
The Erasmus Center for Sport Integrity & Transition is in danger of disappearing. Last…
In a recent report, Erasmus University Rotterdam speaks highly of the ‘impact…
More than 80 percent of visitors feel safe in the University Library, according to a…
For years, Europe lived a geopolitical dream, relying on NATO for its safety. Putin and…