What does the future look like for international students in the Netherlands? Lower House…
In a time where the heavy influx of international students has been gaining rapid…
The number of international students continues to rise. Nevertheless, Dutch higher…
Presenting an award, receiving a report, complimenting everyone ... It’s a stress-free…
Universities have promised to introduce a Dutch-language track into all 35 major…
If it’s up to the Dutch Education Council, Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf will take more…
In the first education debate after the elections, a lot of attention was paid to the…
Education administrators are warning against ‘heavy-handed’ measures following the…
With 37 seats, the Party for Freedom (PVV) will be the largest party in the House of…
According to a survey by six university magazines, many international students and…
Every Monday an overview of the most important news about Erasmus University. This week:…
The Hebrew University has criticised the Dutch research institute NIAS for its decision…
Higher education institutions have once again been targeted by a DDoS attack. All…
Erasmus University is also experiencing disruptions caused by cyber-attacks targeting…