Some universities of applied sciences have plans to provide financial support to staff in…
Our University will likely spend an additional 1.1 million euros on energy in 2023. This…
Development economist Irene van Staveren worries about the current choices of banks and…
The Cabinet plans to increase the new basic grant for students living away from home by…
According to Nibud, parents who earn 1.5 times the modal income must be ‘highly…
The government is intending to increase student grants for students living away from home…
Next year, the tuition fee will increase by 105 euros to 2,314. This is less than feared,…
Tuition fees in higher education will be raised by 212 euros as a result of the high…
Some students will lose their savings due to the sudden increase in the price of gas and…
The Hebrew University has criticised the Dutch research institute NIAS for its decision…
Higher education institutions have once again been targeted by a DDoS attack. All…
Erasmus University is also experiencing disruptions caused by cyber-attacks targeting…
Epidemiologist Arfan Ikram uncovered a link between genetics, head size, dementia and…